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Showing posts from February 17, 2015

LNY 2015 Fashion Show In Depth with Thu

With a completely new team of coordinators, you may have noticed the stark contrast between this year's Fashion Show and the previous years'. The former team, Linda Cheng, Brittney Xu, Nathan Alison, and a few others, were extremely creative and had pulled off stunningly extravagant shows - avant garde, extreme post modern in the eyes of fashion-naive college students. This year, we wanted to both promote this blog as well as try to raise the standard for the general fashion sense of the student body as a whole. The easiest way to achieve this was to do an inspiring, more ready-to-wear show, aka very safe and could possibly be considered boring. The final show turned out to be a spectrum of styles, from dressy to street, traditional to fusion to modern. Which was completely fine because this was a reflection of each of the designer's tastes, the models' popularity helped with the great positive response, and everybody had a good time through the end. Couples model